By playing a slot that has daily jackpot you will have chance to play win additional money simply by playing. The only important part is that you play the slot within the time frame of the jackpot drop. This will be clearly stated in the slot window where you play the game.
Which slots will have the daily jackpot feature
As of now it’s not clear which currently available slots will have the jackpot feature. You will find new slots having this feature as well. Its very important that you see the jackpot window before you aim to win the jackpot. Red Tiger Gaming are thrilled to finally show off this new exciting feature to you and so are we.
If you feel that the Daily Jackpots will be exciting this is definitely something you will like. But this is not the only new cool feature you will see exclusively on Red tiger slots. There are many new featured getting implemented as we speak. Infinity free spins is also a brand new feature that you will experience.
Infinity free spins
Do you like free spins? Great, so do we! Their new feature will be avaible on several of slots availble. Many customers will like this and try it out. According to Carl Ejlertsson the Account Director of Red Tiger Gaming infinity free spins will revolutionize the way free spins is played. You will be able to spam spin in order to get more wins. What exsists today is that you get a certain amount of spins when you reach bonus.
Infinity free spins however will you be able to get as many spins done in a short frame of time instead. The entertainment level in this will be a lot higher than in any other type of bonus game. If you feel like trying this out you have found the right place. On this page we will make sure you know which slot that has which feature.
How daily jackpots will benefit you
If you are a fan of Daily Jackpots you will benefit from this in various ways. You will increase your chances of winning without actaully spending any money when spinning. This is something totally unique and is one of the factors why Red Tiger slots is increasing in popularity. However most other slots have an RTP of 96-97%. This means that its quite impossible to make the RTP higher for other slots.
Due to this you do not have a bigger payout percentage from red tiger slots. Its simply just a lot more fun to play this way. And since the reason people should gamble is stricly for fun and not for pursing a winning career its actually very good.
We are convinced that Red Tiger Gaming will continue to grow until they are one of the biggest names in the industry. Please make sure to go to our selection of casinos with Red Tiger slots and you will easily find exactly what you are looking for. On that page you can also compare the best deals from the very best casinos.
Only premium casinos
The casinos that has been elected to get Daily Jackpots are the most premium ones. This is obviously something that we really like. We want you to only play with the best of the best. In that way you will truly get the best possible casino experience. With premium casinos we mean selected casinos that you can play with exclusively with daily jackpots.
These casinos has also been selected by Red Tiger Gaming themselves. Simply it generated more fans for them to keep Daily Jackpots exclusively for premium casino users. There is higher player retention and player life time value when choosing these types of online casinos.
If you want to join us with a great casino you can find these among our casino selection. You can see small tick where you will be able to find Daily Jackpots with Red Tiger slots.